I don't know if anyone is interested in the subject of the mysteries and mysticisms of the Second-temple period (including Paul and the Gospels) but if so:
i don't know if anyone is interested in the subject of the mysteries and mysticisms of the second-temple period (including paul and the gospels) but if so:.
https://www.academia.edu/s/61773ba12f?source=link .
I don't know if anyone is interested in the subject of the mysteries and mysticisms of the Second-temple period (including Paul and the Gospels) but if so:
in the process of preparing studies on the second-temple period, i was working on the evolution of their understandings of: death and resurrections, and salvations.
when i was looking at paul’s attitude to the matter (he was at the latter part of the period) i developed the following material:.
https://jwstudies.com/paul_s_gospel__death_and_resurrection.pdf .
In the process of preparing Studies on the Second-Temple period, I was working on the evolution of their understandings of: Death and Resurrections, and Salvations. When I was looking at Paul’s attitude to the matter (he was at the latter part of the Period) I developed the following material:
When I set out, as usual I had no idea how it would turn out.
I need your help. Would you please criticise it. Tear it to shreds; I do not mind. But please give me evidence. Have I misunderstood Paul?
so women who are of the anointed will be changed to male?
i know it says there are neither male nor female in heaven but they are never depicted as women always male gender.
so does the cult believe in the transgender crap?.
Oscar Wilde said:
"Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
so women who are of the anointed will be changed to male?
i know it says there are neither male nor female in heaven but they are never depicted as women always male gender.
so does the cult believe in the transgender crap?.
The people who wrote Revelation were also very specific about the exact number who would come from each of the specified Jewish clans. No ifs, no buts.
The writers also said these 144,000 needed protecting because they were living on earth while God's fury is being poured out.
so women who are of the anointed will be changed to male?
i know it says there are neither male nor female in heaven but they are never depicted as women always male gender.
so does the cult believe in the transgender crap?.
I have both volumes of "Insight" on my computer. I could try to send them to you via Dropbox, but to do that you would need to PM me your email address or email me directly -- you will find my address on all of the material I write. I promise you that I do not have the time or the inclination to hassle or to follow up. unless you were to contact me further.
I can assure you that page 371 of Volume 2 of "Insight" does not have an entry for "men" although that same page has a lengthy article that runs on to the following page on "menstruation", including a lesson on biology.
so women who are of the anointed will be changed to male?
i know it says there are neither male nor female in heaven but they are never depicted as women always male gender.
so does the cult believe in the transgender crap?.
See pages 44 - 45 of:
As for "transgender" being "crap" I think you need to talk to people who are neither male nor female in their physical bodies (intersex) and also to those whose minds are similarly afflicted.
i have now prepared my study that deals with the literature of the second temple period.. this period runs from the return of exiles from babylon through to the gospels, so it includes most of the "books" that later became part of bibles.. the writings of the period include: the pentateuch, second isaiah, ezra/nehemiah/chronicles, 1 enoch, jubilees, maccabees, paul, and the gospels, and much more.. https://www.academia.edu/s/557a8dcee2?source=link or.
https://jwstudies.com/second-temple_period_literature.pdf .
in addition, i have listed all the resources i have located related to the second temple period.. second-temple period: resources:.
Stuckenbruck, Loren (2010). The Dead Sea Scrolls and The New Testament in Qumran and The Bible: Studying the Jewish and Christian Scriptures in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Nóra Dávid and Armin Lange. Peeters. https://www.academia.edu/1384836/significance_of_DSS_for_NT_study
i have now prepared my study that deals with the literature of the second temple period.. this period runs from the return of exiles from babylon through to the gospels, so it includes most of the "books" that later became part of bibles.. the writings of the period include: the pentateuch, second isaiah, ezra/nehemiah/chronicles, 1 enoch, jubilees, maccabees, paul, and the gospels, and much more.. https://www.academia.edu/s/557a8dcee2?source=link or.
https://jwstudies.com/second-temple_period_literature.pdf .
in addition, i have listed all the resources i have located related to the second temple period.. second-temple period: resources:.
I have now prepared my Study that deals with the literature of the Second Temple period.
This period runs from the return of exiles from Babylon through to the Gospels, so it includes most of the "books" that later became part of Bibles.
The writings of the period include: the Pentateuch, Second Isaiah, Ezra/Nehemiah/Chronicles, 1 Enoch, Jubilees, Maccabees, Paul, and the Gospels, and much more.
https://www.academia.edu/s/557a8dcee2?source=link OR
In addition, I have listed all the resources I have located related to the Second Temple period.
Second-Temple Period: Resources:
https://www.academia.edu/s/ed06639498?source=link OR
Now it's time to put head down and continue.
in one of mike and kim's latest videos they claim that the borg wrote in the 1960's that the book of revelations wasn't even finished until a much later date.
they have also stated that apostate christians changed the bible> i've also read years ago they trashed the bible or at least the king james years ago after another one of their fail predictions and right before they made their own bible> .
i'm looking for these writings and any other that where the borg is criticizing the bible?.
If the Watchtower is not part of Protestant Christendom, then why does it bother with that religion's scriptures?
Of all the sources the WTS could have used, why rely on the 19th century text produced by Westcott and Hort rather than on Nestel/Aland?
The Scriptures have been subjected to editing, deliberate changes, and accidental changes from the moment the ink dried on a initial scroll, to the point that it is not possible to know what was originally written.
i have been researching the second temple period (2tp) for a little while and there is more i have yet to do.. i am preparing a series of 5 studies (plus a separate list of resources) and the first study has reached its draft stage.. normally, i do not make a draft publicly available, but for several reasons i decided to do so this time.
this study deals with the messiahs prior to and during the 2tp.. as this is a draft, i will appreciate – even encourage – any feedback, especially criticisms and corrections.. messiahs (draft): https://jwstudies.com/2tp_messiahs.pdf.
resources (draft): https://jwstudies.com/2tp_resources.pdf.
I apologise for not responding earlier, but I know you will understand how this project is occupying my time.
Thank you for your recommendation, which I located without any difficulty at PDFDRIVE.COM